Wednesday, 15 February 2012


I spent yesterday afternoon playing with my embellisher and am still a little afraid of starting a project, I have one idea in particular that I hope to start this week, will let you know about it when I get started.

I have decided that I needed to start dyeing some of the yarns that I have, so last night put a load to soak overnight, so that I could have an early start today, on the dyeing, but realised this morning that I hadnt prewashed the wool, so dyeing plans have gone on hold until tomorrow. I have lots of hand-dyed yarns that really needed looking at and a little bit of love and attention, so got them all together and tidied the bundles they were in, this gave me a better insight to what colours I already had and what colours to use when I dye the next batch. They looked so nice when they were tidy. Also I enjoy seeing them in their skeins much more than balls which hide the colour and texture of the yarn.

I have a very interesting yarn that's commercially spun, it's pure wool but spun with a single cotton thread, when I dyed it, the wool dyed a different colour to the cotton, and its all crimpy and soft, I really like it.

I must try to be more adventurous when buying yarn for dyeing, the result is quite exciting.

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