Ive been attending a course about herbs, and today we went on a 20 kilometre hike with the group, looking and collecting leaves and herbs for cooking, medicinal, etc. The weather was glorious again today, perfect for a hike.The place we went to was called Poggi Conte where there is a grotto, it was beautiful, the first part of the walk was along the river and then we started to climb to the top, I don't climb very well, but the Italians are not like the English hikers who march to their destination, Italians just stop whenever they want to and get out their cheese and bread,lie in the sun for 20minutes, I even saw wine at some point, its the kind of hike that I like. When we reached the grotto which was a bit hairy-scary to get to, very narrow ledges etc. there amongst the trees, were very beautiful with caves in the rock and waterfalls and streams everywhere, apparently a hermit had lived there for many years.
I have to admit I didn't collect many herbs as I forgot to take my knife but loved the day, it was fun and relaxed, and I really enjoyed the exercise. After bedding down the animals, im looking forward to a hot bath and a glass or two of cold wine with my supper. Im sure I will sleep like a baby tonight.
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