After 3 hours of sleep, I woke at my usual time, but felt terrible and resentful after being kept awake most of the night by brats. I thought I must be positive and kind today as it's making me feel an old nag, so I sat with my breakfast and coffee outside in the early sunshine, whilst brats slept soundly as innocent babes, it was so peaceful and somehow my mood changed, then I began to feel guilty for being so grumpy towards the young people, yes I know they have no respect, they make a pigsty of the place, do they have any sensitivity? No, but did I when I was that age, (my halo is very hot at the moment) so I took a different approach, and when they started to rouse themselves after a wonderful sound sleep, I didn't complain to them, but asked, did they have a good time?, even though I hadn't OOH (thought I wasn't going to complain) they were really sweet and said they were sorry if they had made too much noise and cleaned the apartment out thoroughly, while some of the others made a BBQ. using all the wood we had collected for our fires, the little darlings,after they had eaten, they then headed off home to see there lovely fresh parents.
I will admit that I told my grand daughter not to have another party here, until I was dead, because I really couldn't hack another one. (moaning again)
So all is back to normal now and I am at peace, I spent the afternoon in my studio, still working on this painting that I thought was finished, the trouble with me is I never know when to stop, does anyone out there know when.?
I am still not totally happy with it, but Ive given myself a deadline it must be finished by Friday, because Saturday I'm off to the UK to see my children and grand children that live there.

I also collected my wools that I dyed the other day to put into skeins and some are really nice, others look a bit insipid, I'm not sure what went wrong. I used the same acid dyes that I usually use, but they are OK, some people like pastel colours.
I tend to like strong, bold, bright colours so I usually think that there's something wrong if the colour isnt strong.
My camera doesnt take very good colours so apologise for the poor photograph
Well I'm now off for supper, a hot bath and an early night I certainly need some beauty sleep.
Sounds like you got a handle on yourself and in a kind loving way. Change to our norm is never easy but when we look at it an a chance to learn about ourselves it is not so bad. Glad you got to spend time with your art. Relax and Rest