Thursday, 5 April 2012

Combing Botticelli

After almost two week, thank goodness I'm starting to feel human again, the bug had decided to leave town.

I have so many things that I want to do sonow at last I can begin my outdoor jobs.

Today was Bottecelli's time to visit the beauty parlour, which was a lark just trying to get him into the tranchion, that's something that holds him whilst having his beauty treatment, eventually after much coaxing, treats that he ate before he was actually caught, I finally managed to trap him, but he tried every different way of trying to escape but managed to hold on to him,

I didnt seem to have this much trouble last time, but he is a clever boy and remembers very well.

So the combing began, it's very humid at the moment and boy, did I perspire, I must have lost a few kilos, but he settled down after a while with a lovely branch of olive leaves which he loves. And continued combing for at least 3 hours. He has given me some beautiful wool (bless his little hooves) and I love the smell of it.

After the combing I oiled his horns and trimmed his feet checked his eyes and teeth, then released him, he looked so small without all that wool which weighed 405 gramms, he then charged around the field, showing off to Picasso, he was so happy and so was I and so tired.


  1. I would love to meet your goats sometime.

    Indeed I could do with their services as lawn mowers here in Northamptonshire - but I am not sure if they could cope with the somewhat random weather we are having at the moment.

    What will you do with the wool?


  2. Botti's wool looks great....can't wait to see/smell it!!

  3. What a great time - nothing better then harvesting fiber and getting to spend that time with your sweet one.... Lovely.
