Today although the sun was shining all day, it was freezing and a nearby village actually had snow last night.
We have had a lovely Easter with family, sharing meals, in each of our houses.
Our house, which looks like a villa, (I'm not sure if it is called that) comprises of two apartments, we live permanently in the top and my eldest daughter and husband have the bottom half, but they live in Rome and use their half as a hideaway, weekend/holiday home, although, they don't come every weekend, it's quite a good arrangement. as we would never had been able to afford to buy such a lovely place with land.
I have always dreamed of living in the country with land that I could grow vegetables and have a few chickens etc. and this has allowed me my dream
I'm not too sure what it would be like though, if we all lived here together all the time, I love my own space and freedom. I maybe selfish, but I also like things to run my way, especially where the animals are concerned. But at the moment the arrangement is fantastic so I will just continue to go with it, as no-one knows what tomorrow will bring.
I'm not too sure what it would be like though, if we all lived here together all the time, I love my own space and freedom. I maybe selfish, but I also like things to run my way, especially where the animals are concerned. But at the moment the arrangement is fantastic so I will just continue to go with it, as no-one knows what tomorrow will bring.
This is getting rather a serious blog and I didn't start out to write all this, I was going to tell you
about the Easter breakfast bread that my daughter had made. It was very tasty and great if you have any leftovers, it was just bread dough with pieces of bacon, hard boiled eggs and cheese in the middle and then made into a circle, then baked ( sorry this is a terrible description, but have a photo). I thought it would be lovely to take on a picnic with all kinds of things inside.
Although Easter was a lovely family time, I want now to get back to normal living, as my routine seems to have gone out of the window since I arrived back from the UK what with being ill etc. so need to make a weekly plan and try to stick at it, although I have a couple of hospital appointments this week for checks,want to clean out my kitchen cupboards, I must comb Picasso's wool too.Have my Sri Lankan friend coming over to cook of us. Oh my week has been taken up already.I also thought that I may go on a diet. (after Ive eaten my egg of course)
Hello there. It was most unseasonal here too! After a very promising start, the Easter Weekend was pretty grim (as you might realise from other blogs) and today, Tuesday, I had hail stones the size of the gravel on the drive falling down on the car! OK, we need the rain, but really!!
Hilary xx
Its horrid here today too. Ive tried several times to leave a comment on your blog unable to.