Again the weekend has just flown by, there seems to be a million things to catch up on this time of the year, also when the sun shines I just want to be outside, so lots of gardening and planting going on.

Saturday afternoon we found some time to go to the Lake for an ice-cream and called in to the little fishing village of Marta, to check when they were having their annual Festival of the Madonna of the Mount, unfortunately it was on Friday, we were so disappointed for it is a wonderful festival, and we love going to watch, its almost like harvest festival, but for the fishermen, hunters and farmers. The streets are full of flower covered carts and tractors with trailers, of all shapes and sizes, carrying fish, corn, grain, bread, fruit, and vegetables, the participants are all dressed in traditional clothing and the procession goes on for hours, of course it ends up in the church, for a blessing, but it is a spectacular tradition.But we missed it, so took a little walk to where the fishermen live and work, if you go later in the evening, the fishermen and their wives, dogs and cats, all sit and play on the shore, chatting and mending nets, it is such a nice friendly atmosphere, I also love to see the old traditions carried on.

Saturday evening we bbq'd with our family, who had arrived from Rome in the afternoon, so we lit the fire in the pit and sat until quite late, and watched the sun go down, chatting, eating and drinking wine.
Sunday was pretty foul, it was grey and rained most of the day, so had quite a lazy breakfast, did some more warping up on my loom, then lunch cooked for us by my daughter, not quite so bad. Then English tv in the evening.
We've been watching The Voice on English tv, it is so good, if you can watch it, you must, there is so much talent in the world, it's unbelievable.
Today I was going to do so much, but after returning from my hospital appointment, time has just whizzed by, so here I am at 7pm with my glass of wine just about to cook supper then put my feet up for an hour or two.
ps. Im trying to change the look of my blog page without much colour success at the moment so please be patient and wear your sunglasses if you want to read it.
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