Sunday, 24 June 2012

Courgettes or are they marrows

We had an awful night, across the fields about 2 kilometres, from where we live is an Agriturismo, a kind of hotel/rooms, but in are usually in a country setting, there's a restaurant attached to this particular one and last evening I notice a lot of cars shining in the sun there, about 10 music started and didn't seem so bad, but at 12 just as I was in a wonderful sleep the music just got louder and louder, the house was vibrating, was there a rave going on? Its not like they were playing good party music, it went boom boom boom all night, so this morning we were pretty shattered, we tried not to sound like old fogies and didn't really mention it too much, my son in law had to go off to work at 6 and it was still banging out then, so we had a nice family lunch together and then, boom boom, it started again after lunch, just as we were starting our siesta, my husband jumped off the bed, crying "I am not having it", its very difficult when you live in a foreign country to know how to deal with things like this, but he was gone like a shot, then the music stopped, I was holding my breath when he returned, he told them everyone in the area was getting together and were going to call the Caribineri, this, was a big white lie, but the thumping and shouting stopped and the owner who is a very nice person, said she didn't know we could hear it being so far away and it was a birthday party after all,pooh!! how on earth did they listen to it until 6 o'clock this morning? I dont think they were actually there last night as they live in Rome. 
 We are now back to the peaceful life we love and are hoping we didn't spoil any ones fun, but there is a limit to what one can stand, also to play music for that many hours as loud as that, one needs to have a licence so it's obvious they didn't have one.

Changing the subject,This morning I wandered down to pick some courgettes from the vegi patch, and WOW I think the courgette fairy had been, they had doubled in size overnight, and there were so many, I have picked most of the large ones but they are still growing so fast, I don't really have that many recipes for that many courgettes or are they marrows? I cut one today in slices and fried them with garlic and salt until they were brown, and they were quite delicious. I will take a look on the web for some new recipes as I don't think they would freeze very nicely. My daughter has taken some home with her, also, the goats love them too.

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