Monday, 29 October 2012

Wow, what a change in the weather, I am not ready for the winter one bit, especially when it was so warm last week. Yesterday afternoon the hail and wind was so strong a heavy it was about 4inches deep on the road, I was actually out driving, there were cars skidding all over the place, ending up on the verge.

Today the temperature was very low, I havent even packed away my summer clothes yet. Out came the vests,boots and jumpers, wood was brought in and this afternoon we lit the stove, I cooked a wintery casserole for dinner and will start packing away my sun dresses and shorts tomorrow. I am hoping it doesn't last as I hate the winter and the cold.
We went to some friends for dinner Saturday evening, they live in a medieval village carved into the side of a hill, after we had eaten we went for a stroll around the town, it was so nice, the little old houses carved into the rock, how on earth did they do that without power tools.

Also recently Ive joined a group on Facebook called Poplar, Limehouse, and the Isle of Dogs. I was born in the East End of London, many moons ago, it's wonderful,full of people, historical and recent photographs have popped up, bringing up memories from way way back, even before my birth.
 I added this picture today. The little child is me, at my aunt and uncles wedding.  I love to look at old photographs.


  1. East End to Italy - that sounds like a glamourous journey!

  2. Wonderful childhood memories, not so glamorous though.

  3. Loved reading this post - thanks for sharing and good luck with the group
