Friday, 28 December 2012


Yesterday was my birthday, its strange having a birthday so near all the Christmas/New Year festivities because it never seems to be like other peoples I usually get Christmassy gifts but this year was so great.
I was a little sad and grumpy during the day as my two sons that live in the UK hadn't telephoned or even emailed a birthday wish neither did their children, they have never been very good at remembering my special day, and I forgive them every year and hope they will remember next year.I had lots of good wishes from friends old and new, that cheered me so much. What would we do without our friends. I must add that one of my grandchildren did send a message later that night to say happy birthday from all the family, I loved that.
I was fairly busy making the evening meal, as we had invited a few friends round for the evening. I decided to make it easy so made a casserole of beef and mushrooms in wine, and a lefties turkey curry, some rice, boiled potatoes and some garlic bread, so easy. I am always a little nervous cooking for Italian friends as they usually have these wonderful sit down dinners of about 10 courses but I decided to be brave and piled up the plates on the table for everyone to help themselves and to find somewhere to sit. My daughter said we could use her part of the house as it is much bigger than ours, it worked out brilliantly.
Everyone seemed to be having a good time, eating, drinking, a little dancing, opening presents,  chatting, it was great. the funniest part of the evening was when John brought out a cake made from ice cream with a big plastic flower on the top, he lit the wick, and the petals all opened it started off so nicely, then a kind of firework started to flare and music inside the flower started singing happy birthday, then the plastic caught fire so he threw it out the window but 24 hours later it is on the window sill outside and its still playing the wretched song, its driving us crazy.
 I think it was make in China so beware..............
It was a lovely evening !!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry we were so busy we forgot to take picisx

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