Monday, 31 December 2012

New Year 2013

 Im sure everyone is busy getting ready for the New Year celebrations so this is a quick message wishing all my blogging friends the best New Year ever. We are at home this year and are having a quiet dinner with our family and am looking forward to seeing the old year out and the new one in with them.
This year has flown by, but has been full and eventful which I am so grateful for. I am also grateful to my friends and family that give me so much pleasure and encouragement.
 The world didn't end as the Mayans predicted (thank goodness for that) but I truly believe that there was a kind of truth in the prediction and that 2013 will bring new changes and a new energy that will flow into each of us and that we will become more aware and sensitive to each other.

I pray that WE can be the change for the future by sharing our love, kindness and generosity much more than we usually do and become united in this very hard and difficult world........

I wish for you and your loved-ones, good health, much happiness, peace and love in your lives always.

Best wishes and love


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your and joy to you as well xx
