Sunday, 2 September 2012

Varied Week

Its been a strange week for me a little bit of everything, I havent been able to get into gear, I think it's probably the changing of seasons.
 On the 31st August we finally had some rain, not enough to soak the ground but the change had begun, the temperatures have dropped now and we even had a rainfall today.
I have put off so much this summer because it has been so hot or I could be lazy (of course) and I need to catch up with most things.
I have been promising myself to sort out my wardrobe which still has winter things hanging in, I didn't even get round to finishing that this year. I wish I had the guts to just throw things away especially clothes that I know I will never wear again. But!!!!!!!! i never do. I may do it this week

We had some friends for dinner on Tuesday, and I made quite a very impressive meal (I know Im pretty big headed) for starter we had typical Italian hams,cheeses and salami,with crispy garlic bread, hence no cooking and for the main course I did Salmon on croute stuffed with tarragon butter and spinach, baby potatoes, with a green salad, for dessert I made a fresh peach crumble with ice cream, we did drink quite a lot of wine I must say, and was a little heady on Wednesday. We actually went to the beach to clear our heads but the wind was quite high, no one was on the beach except for the surfers and kite flyers which was strange after the beaches were so crowded last week.

Then our Sri Lankan friend phoned and said could he and his family come over cook us a meal on Thursday evening to thank me for always cooking for them, they are sadly leaving soon until next year, so I obviously said yes. We had a lovely evening for he's a wonderful cook and he cooked us a delicious meal of typical food from the   region where he comes from.

Friday I found my back was covered with what looked like mosquito bites, there were one or two on the front of me, I just treated as normal but they were very painful to touch, by Saturday they had swollen into huge welts and a rash started to spread onto my chest, I felt very feverish, so by lunch time we went off to the emergency dept. at the hospital in Tarquinia, the doctor took one look at me and mumbled insecti and asked his his assistant what he thought and said he didnt know, GULP! so they signed to me to lay on the bed and fixed me up to two drips which took ages to finish.
 When I came home I was so tired and must have slept for at least 12 hours without moving, wonderful. Im feeling much better now and the spots, have reduced but are still quite angry looking and are not so painful, goodness knows what it was, but I'm still alive and raring to go, maybe I will sort out that wardrobe yet!!
We are still picking tomatoes, I made a batch of tomato and basil soup for the freezer, and have given quite a few kilos to friends and family. They have done so well this year.  Now its cooler we are trying to clear the creeping grass, which has overtaken some of the beds. We have planted out some more cabbages and broccoli and hope the slugs don't eat them before the have even got their roots down into the soil as they did to the lettuces.
So have a good week everyone, I will try to pop in soon.xx

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