Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Its been a long time since I blogged and am so sorry, because I love to do it. I am not making myself any promises at the moment to do it every day or even less, but for the last month or so I have had a few health problems which have led me to concentrate on other things. So today I am feeling fairly well and have decided to write a small blog and not put myself under any pressure.I have been keeping up with my favourites too,so Im not too behind on everyones news.
I have been doing a lot of painting and am loving it, I have transformed our cantina into a studio where I  can splash around as much as I want to. I think it will be a little cold as the winter progresses, but at the moment its wonderful, its a very light area and when I open the large doors to let the sun shine in its a perfect place to paint.  Ive been working on four large canvases now for over a month and they are 'getting there.'
 After getting my degree, I painted all the time but since living in Italy I havent done any serious stuff,  I did some watercolor and that was a little course that I'd joined so I could pick up a little more of the Italian language, now, I have to say I feel quite liberated and feel as though I have found my place at last,(well for the moment)The painting here is very big and has changed quite a lot since I took the photograph, just like me, changing all the time.
I havent been into wool for a while, but now we are starting to shut the doors in the evening and settle into watching television more, I have been thinking that I must get my knitting out, I hate to vegitate and knitting makes me feel less guilty, just sitting around doing nothing.
Because of the serious allergy that I had I have hardly been in the vegi garden, only to pick what was growing. There isnt much  growing at the moment, but this week we are about to blast the whole patch, pull out plants that are not growing and getting some kind of order going.
 We did fairly well this year, not completely self sufficient, but saved a little money.
 I really wish I could cook good vegetarian food as I think I could quite easily become a Vegi.

We are at the moment clearing out the goat and chicken pen as we have found that the last batch of hay that we bought had straw itch mites in it and has caused lots of problems over the last weeks, so we have had a busy time and have now burned the whole lot and today we are about to fumigate the shed area.
 The goats are loving it, lots of action going on down in their field, we also have 10 new hens too, they have fitted in with the other really happily.

Its so nice to be back I do hope my camera holds out Ive been having a few problems with that too, and I do so enjoy putting pics on my blog. Well I am not going to write any more at the moment so until next time.
 Have a good dayxxxx


  1. And it's lovely to have you back!

    Hope your heath is OK with winter coming and the paintings look really interesting. Did you do an art degree?

    H xx

  2. Thank you, its nice to be back, Im not too bad at the moment thank goodness, so making the most of it. Yes I did a fine art degree in Oxford and finished it off in Derby, done a lot of other things too. xxj

  3. Hi there. Great to catch up with you and, yes, got back safely thank you. Took Mum home yesterday. Really glad to see you back blogging!! Love to you both from us all xx
